LATEST: Author Khushwant Singh’s novel Maharaja in Denims has been acquired for a film adaptation by Sikhya Entertainment, Mumbai. July 24, 2020July 24, 2020 Adesh Parminder Singh HOSHIARPUR (ADESH) The Hoshiarpur Literary Society is proud to announce that Author KhushwantSingh’s novel Maharaja in Denims has been acquired for a filmadaptation by Sikhya Entertainment, Mumbai.Khushwant Singh belongs to Vill Chaunni Kalan in Hoshiarpurand is currently the State information Commissioner Punjab.He has contributed to the literature and knowledge of the area through hisworks which include books like The People’s Maharaja, Turbaned Tornado,and Sikhs Unlimited. Other than his books He has contributed immensely in the growth of the literaryscene in the city by supporting The Hoshiarpur Lit society to find its wings.Maharaja in Denims is fiction novel which has snippets from Maharaja Ranjitsingh’s life and would be first of its kind to have a mix of Punjab history andfiction narrated sointriguingly.The book was released in 2014 by the current chief ministerCaptain Amarinder Singh. Guneet Monga, an award-winning producer,founder of SikhyaEntertainemt said “This is a story which shows Punjab from fresh lens. TheLandscape is so rich in the History, much more than just the partition storiesthat we have been seeing in mainstream cinema so far.” Guneet has aboutique film production house that produced notable films like Gangs of Waseypur 1,The Lunchbox, Masaan, and Zubaan.The President of the society, Sanna K Gupta said that “sheis delighted that Mr Khushwant Singh has taken Hoshiarpur to MainstreamCinema.He continues to inspire young writers with his work. We are very proud ofhim. Adesh Parminder SinghEDITOR CANADIAN DOABA TIMES Email: Mob:. 98146-40032 whtsapp www.doabatimes.comShare this:FacebookTelegramWhatsAppPrintTwitterLike this:Like Loading...