Updated :- Election Commission of India to launch e-EPIC on January 25

Election Commission of India to launch e-EPIC on January 25

Chandigarh, January 20:

In a historic and landmark initiative, the e-EPIC (electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card) programme will be formally launched by the Election Commission of India (ECI) on January 25, 2021, marking the occasion of National Voters’ Day. Voters can now view and print the digital voter card on their registered mobile. Aimed at creating convenience for voters, ECI explained the modalities of e-EPIC to Chief Electoral Officers of all the states through a video conference held on January 19, 2020.

An e-EPIC is a non-editable secure portable document format (PDF) version of the EPIC. It can be downloaded on mobile or in a self-printable form on the computer. A voter can thus store the card on her/his mobile, upload it on digi locker or print it and self-laminate it. This is in addition to physical EPIC being issued for fresh registration.

Describing e-EPIC, Sh. Umesh Sinha, Secretary General, ECI said, “This will be an alternate and faster mode of obtaining Electoral Photo Identity Card in a digital format. Equally valid as a proof of document for voter identification, it can be printed at the convenience of the voter and can be produced as a proof during polling.”

e-EPIC can be downloaded on a mobile or a computer and can be digitally stored. It will have secured QR code with image and demographics like serial number, part number etc. It will have special facilitation for the poll going states in the initial phase.

Divulging details, Sh. Suddep Jain, Director General, ECI said, “this will be launched in two phases. In the first phase, from 25th to 31st Jan 2021 all new electors registered during special summary revision-2020 shall be eligible, provided they have registered with a unique number, which means the mobile number should not be registered in the ECI’s electoral roll already. In the second phase, from 1st Feb 2021 onwards all general electors shall be eligible.”

Citizens can easily download e-EPIC using any of following online platforms:

All new registrations with unique mobile numbers shall be given digital voter cards in addition to physical EPIC. Existing electors with unique mobile numbers can download after authentication. Electors without a unique mobile number can get facial recognition KYC and get authentication for downloads.

All new electors registered during special summary revision-2020 shall receive an SMS by ECI for downloading e-EPIC. On the launch day on National Voters’ Day, 4.5 million electors with a unique mobile number shall be sent SMS for downloading the e-EPIC.


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