Elaborate Vigilance Measures in place for Food Safety Officers Test scheduled on March 15 : Jaspal Dhillon
* Jammers, biometrics, frisking, observers, invigilators and flying squads amongst other surveillance measures
On the directions of Capt. Amarinder Singh, Chief Minister Punjab, who has sought completely fair, transparent and merit based selection of candidates to various government posts, the Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board(PSSSB) has put in place elaborate vigilance measures for the entrance test to be conducted for the post of Food Safety Officers on March 15, informed Mr. Jaspal Dhillon, Member PSSSB.
Giving details, he informed that jammers have been installed in all the examination centres and the candidates have been informed that no electronic gadgets/devices are permitted in the examination hall. He said that not only cellular phones, electronic watches and other e-equipment/devices have been prohibited but also analog wrist watches rings, chains, pendants, bangles, earrings, cuff lings have been banned in order to check the possibility of usage of unfair means.
Triple biometric identification of candidates will be done said he and explained that the first biometrics based identification will be done at the examination venue, second time it will be undertaken at the time of the counseling of the shortlisted candidates and a final check will be made at the time of joining of the candidate. Mr. Dhillon said that this will help to ensure that the candidate who took the exam and reported at counseling is very much same as the one joining the post. This triple biometric identification procedure has been put in place in wake of reports of incidents of fake/dummy candidates taking exam instead of the actual candidates.
There will be thorough frisking of the candidates at the examination centres and police personnel will be deputed to maintain law and order at the examination venues, he informed. Mr. Jaspal Dhillon informed that PCS Officers will be deployed as observers to oversee the exams at each centre besides the members of the PSSSB. Each centre will have sufficient supervisory staff and the invigilators coupled with officers to watch over the entire exercise as the flying squads. The vigil is strict to the extent that even the supervisory staff of the board will not be permitted to carry cell phones at the examination centres, said he and added that video recording of the entire process will be done.
Giving a word of caution to the candidates, the Member of the Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board said that candidates should avoid any attempt of using unfair means as it will invite strictest action as per law. He even advised them to avoid dressing up in clothes with big buttons and other accessories. “They will not even be permitted to bring or use their own pens in the exam rather each candidate will be provided a pen by the Board”, said he.
All that a candidate is expected to carry with him to the examination centre is the Admit Card issued by the Board and an Original ID-proof, said Dhillon.
He said that a fair selection procedure not only helps in the choosing the best brains but it also goes a long way in restoring the faith of the candidates in the fairness of the System. He said that young candidates who are inducted into the system would on an average serve for at least thirty years and if they will not be exploited or harassed in their selection then it is quite certain that they in turn will not harass others whom they will deal with during their service.
Pertinently, for the twenty-five posts of Food Safety Officers nearly 5118 candidates have applied who will sit in an exam to be conducted at different centres on five venues in Chandigarh.

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