PATHANKOT LATEST: Punjab Educare App launched by the Education Department Punjab is proving to be a boon for the students

The Punjab Educare App launched by the Education Department Punjab is proving to be a boon for the students

Pathankot, July 30 (Rajinder Singh Rajan Bureau Chief)

Accepting the Corona call as a challenge, the Punjab Education Department has launched an app called Punjab Educare. This app is providing all kinds of learning materials in both Punjabi and English medium for every student and teacher from nursery to 12th. The Punjab Educare App launched by the Education Department Punjab is proving to be a boon for the students.

District Education Officer Secondary Education S. Jagjit Singh and District Education Officer Elementary Education Engg. Sanjeev Gautam said that this app has been developed by the DM team under the guidance of Education Secretary Krishan Kumar under the scheme of Deputy Director Shailender Singh Sahota and under the direction of Assistant State Project Directors Harpreet Singh, Nirmal Kaur and Sushil Bhardwaj. This app is a common station where teachers and students can not only view but also download any kind of learning material related to them.


Deputy District Education Officer Secondary Education Rajeshwar Salaria and Deputy District Education Officer Elementary Education Ramesh Lal Thakur said that e-books of all the subjects have been provided on this app in all three mediums. Apart from this daily dose of English subject being sent daily by the department, science and mathematics activities, modern words related to English and Punjabi, flight sheets, etc. are readily available on it as per date.

No education officer, teacher or student will now have to face any kind of hassle for reporting any activity related to students. Only by using this app will they be able to open the date as required and get the learning material from it. This app is very easy to run as it is student-friendly. He said that this app is available free of cost on Google Play Store.

This is a very good step of the department towards online education which students are benefiting from sitting at home.
It is to be noted that schools have been completely closed since March 22 due to the Corona epidemic. Online education is now the only option left which teachers, students and parents are fulfilling together. On this occasion District Coordinator  Munish Gupta, District Coordinator Media Balkar Atri and others were present.


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