Punjab school education department Instructs to schools to celebrate Independence Day under ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’

Punjab school education department Instructs to schools to celebrate Independence Day under ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’


The Punjab School Education Department has issued orders to all the school heads to celebrate the 75th Independence Day under the theme ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’.

Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the school education department said that instructions have been issued to conduct online essay, painting, song, poetry, poster making and declamation contests in schools from 9th August to 15th August. These competitions will be organized on the events related to the freedom struggle and the contribution of patriots. The school principals have also been asked to honor the winners of these competitions at the school level. It may be recalled that the education department has organized many such competitions under the Government of India’s ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ from last 75 weeks.

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