No fee will be charged for replacement of EPIC in case of typographical error: CEO Dr. Raju

No fee will be charged for replacement of EPIC in case of typographical error: CEO Dr. Raju

Chandigarh, June 8:


Chief Electoral officer Punjab Dr. S. Karuna Raju today made it clear that in case of correction of typographical/clerical error committed on part of ERO, no fee for issue of replacement of EPIC will be charged from the elector.


Informing this here today Dr. Raju said that normally, discrepancies in elector’s details would come to the notice of the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) at two stages. One is at data entry stage, before final publication of electoral roll, and second one is after final publication of electoral roll.


Dr. Raju said that if ERO has noticed a typographical/clerical error at the data entry stage, before the final publication of electoral roll, the ERO will refer to Form-6 of the concerned applicant in ERO-NET, reverse the process of ER updation and correct the entries on the basis of the same as mentioned in Form-6.

In Case of typographical/clerical errors brought to ERO’s notice by elector through an intimation letter/mail after final publication of roll, the ERO will refer to the elector’s Form-6, if available in ERO-Net; and proceed to make correction with reference to entries mentioned in Form-6. If no Form-6 is available in ERO’s record or there is a mistake made by elector in Form-6 itself, ERO will send a written reply/mail to the said elector to submit the request in Form-8. A copy of Form-8 will also be sent with the communication. It should be noted that no correction in any entry of elector shall be made after final publication of electoral roll without referring to Form-6, if available, or without obtaining Form-8 in case Form 6 is not traceable or elector has made a mistake in Form-6 itself.

In case of correction of typographical/clerical error committed on part of ERO, no fee will be charged for issue of replacement EPIC from the elector.


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